Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Jonathan Faulks
Well here we are…Encampment '09 Yankee flight Sergeant's office! I'll be directing my cadets to success and perfectionism to the best of my ability.
random facts about me:
I love Jesus
I have my 60 hours of community service ribbon
I've been in CAP for 2+ years and never once had an O-ride!
I HATE sunburn
I've been in CAP for 25 months (as of May)
I'm an early bird (I hate late nights!)
I'm 5'9" and weigh 150
I'm training for a 5.5 mi. all up hill run
I love drama (I work with a professional stage company)
Favorite movies: Flyboys and Gladiator
I've been homeschooled for my entire education
LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECTS: anything that has to do with a language (i.e. I scraped a "B-" in Latin)
If there's anything that I DON'T like its slackers
Soccer is my sport
I have a garden back home
I was born and raised for my first 7 years in Franklin TN (I lived in the same neighborhood as some of the stars)
I won't buy something unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary
Oh yeah, my best friend happens to be X-ray Flight sgt Forrest Brown! Love ya man!
Callsign: Rebel
Do you choose:
ninjas or pirates-ninjas
spitshining or lighters-spitshining
black or white-white
silver or gold-gold
romance or horror-horror
mechanical pencils or pencils or pens-pencils
elves or hobbits-elves
swords or guns-guns
knights or gangsters-gangster
Hey,I noticed your post about the barracks on the "Posts" thing, and today i will be talking to Lt Col Feinstein about the barracks and how they will be set up. I will let you know what we decide as soon as I know, and as soon as we talk about who will be in which barracks with whoever else i will let you know, what I know right now is that there are barracks with 6 beds for basics, and barracks with 2 beds for staff…but im not sure, I may be wrong if they have switched us again.
-C/2d Lt Neville
Yeah, that's what I heard to. When you say "beds" I guess you mean bunks? All I've heard is speculation on the barracks.
-C/CMSgt Faulks