Squadron Headquarters

Headquarters of 10th Cadet Training Squadron "Diamondbacks"


Squadron Motto: Don't Tread On Me


Squadron Mission: Integrity - Discipline - Teamwork

Hydration Jody: Ours is not to question why, ours is just to drink or die!

10th Cadet Training Squadron

Diamondbacks Squadron Commander: C/Capt Stephen Bloemsma

Diamondbacks First Sergeant: C/CMSgt Sierra Larson

X-Factored X-rays

Flight Commander: C/2d Lt Warren Pettee

Flight Sergeant: C/MSgt Forrest Brown

Yankee Rebels

Flight Commander: C/Capt Josiah Tillett

Flight Sergeant: C/CMSgt Jonathan Faulks

Zulu Zealots

Flight Commander: C/CMSgt Elizabeth Bullock

Flight Sergeant: C/CMSgt Sarah Logel

Support Staff

Communications and Logistics Officer: C/2d Lt Graham Neville
Public Affairs Officer: C/SMSgt Micah Larson
Safety Officer: C/1st Lt Robert Dahms

Guidon Design

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