Cadet Second Lieutenant Graham Neville…is cool,humble, nice, sensitive, loving, caring, enjoyable, athletic, cute, and a karate black belt who is ready to chop your face off for calling me fluffy…just kidding about the upper part…but not chopping your face off
Callsign: Sasquatch
****motto: Here is a straw, now suck it up
Mission: to better the basics by giving them aid and guidence.
ok that is bull here is the real one
Mission: to give you things and talk on radio's****
If anyone needs special equipment for any reason please let me know ASAP so i can get it done.
I will need a radio… Our squadron doesn't have any. - C/CMSgt Larson
well…you might not need one because so far no one has radio's so the likeley-hood for now of anyone getting a radio below exec staff and a few other spots arn't looking very good- C/2d Lt Neville
__**motto: Here is a straw, now suck it up
Mission: to better the basics by giving them aid and guidence.
ok that is bull here is the real one
Mission: to give you things and talk on radio's**__
Great mission. So when do we get those radios? - C/CMSgt Larson
you get them at encampment and we get them back after encampment is over- C/2d Lt Neville
Sweet. - C/CMSgt Larson